fragrans Houtt, Myristica argentea Ware, and fattuaHoutt Myristica,
nutmeg are the types that are considered important because bernilaie
konomis, so that these types are commonly cultivated. Other Types of nutmeg less / no economic value so rarely sought, among other things:
Lam malabarica Myristica, Myristica
specioca Ware, Myristica sucedona lainnya.a 81 anAgen Casino Onlined so on. Myristica
fragrans nutmeg farmers Houtt.Para most refer to it as the original
nutmeg, type lists different types of common types grown in Indonesia. Evenly
spread is due nutmeg produced in the form of seeds or mace, have high
quality, so this is kind of palingbanyak requested this type of market
dunia.Dari also known types nutmeg areas include: - Pala king, fulinya
thick enough with small seeds. - Pala celebrate, fruit-stringing the chain, but this type is very rare.
Bui-Pala, seeds elliptic shape, derived from a mixture of trees. Thief-Pala, uneven skin seeds and fruit fulinya not close. Pala-Holland, also known as white as the color of nutmeg name fulinyaputih. The mace will change color to yellow after jemur.b. Nutmeg
Myristica argentea Ware.Jenis often found in Irian Jaya, the tree
height can reach 15 mdan grow at an altitude of 700 m above the local
surface laut.Selain Irian Jaya, nutmeg type is also found in Ceram and
some surrounding areas. Mace
of this type is called mace illegal, because the quality is different
and less refined than the aroma of nutmeg Myristica fragransHoutt types.
Fulinya etheris oil content of only 6.5%. Pala initerutama types generated into BUTTER NUT MEG. This kind got nutmeg termasukyang market in perdagangan.c.
Myristica fattua Houtt. Type
this in the Moluccas nutmeg is called mace or nutmeg male orangutans on
the island of Jawabuahnya often used as ingredients in jamu.d.
Agen Judi BolaMyristica specioga Ware.Banyak found on the island of Bacan, uneconomical, hence not much diusahakan.e. Myristica sucedona BL.Pala this type often called Halmahera nutmeg, mace belonging export.
f. Myristica malabarica LAM.Pala this kind comes from Malabar, oval seeds, do not have a scent, and therefore not traded.
High Places
Nutmeg plants, can grow well at an altitude of 0-700 meters above sea level.
be able to grow well, requiring: - The top layer of top soil deep
enough. - Enough available nutrients. - Good drainage. - The air in the
soil is quite tersedia.Tanaman nutmeg will also grow well in soil that
is structured sand to clay with high organic matter content . In poor soils, the plant can also grow well Pala when balanced with good fertilization and care.
a. Temperature
deployment areas nutmeg plants have not the same temperature, which
ranged between 18 º C -34 º C. The nutmeg plant will thrive in the
tropics, with the optimum temperature for growth and production of ± 20 º
C to 30 º Cb Rainfall nutmeg plants require hot tropical climate with high rainfall, with no real dry period. In areas that have a sharp slope and high rainfall, terraces should be made to maintain soil fertility. Good rainfall for plant growth nutmeg ± 2175 mm to 3550mm/tahun.c. AnginTanaman nutmeg sensitive to high winds, so is not appropriate cultivated in an open area without cover crops. The
wind is blowing too hard, not only lead to impaired plant pollination,
fruit and even the tops of the plants will fall berguguran.Untuk areas
often harsh wind gusts, planting windbreak trees on the edge of the Agen Bola Terpercaya
garden is highly recommended. However, cover crops are planted too close, can inhibit plant growth nutmeg, due to competition for nutrients.
Availability of Water
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