Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Bahasa Inggeris:

Bahasa Inggeris:
Sustrato: Nepenthes,
Bisnis onlinecomo un medio de crecimiento ácido que es permanecerán húmedas todavía Permitir suficiente circulación de agua alrededor de las raíces. Mezclas a base de turba de musgo son muy populares y son ampliamente utilizados. Los principales inconvenientes son que es Rompen con el tiempo y latas terminan pudriéndose las raíces si no replantadas plantas sobre una base regular. Siguen siendo muy útil, siempre y cuando ellos contienen un gran porcentaje de enmiendas La perlita anual, árbol de fibra de helecho y corteza de abeto grado fino para mejorar el drenaje. Algunos cultivadores prefieren utilizar Fibered recta musgo largo para crecer las plantas. Incluso hemos encontrado que es en el uso de Nueva Zelanda Sphagnum (la calidad más alta), it latas quedan demasiado húmedo para muchas especies. Actualmente estamos experimentando con una nueva mezcla creciente formada por 90% mantillo ciprés triturado, 5% de perlita y la turba de musgo 5%. Hasta ahora los resultados son bastante prometedores. Las plantas parecen como la excelente porosidad de la mezcla mientras está firmemente apoyado por la textura gruesa. Además, la mezcla no se lava fuera de las ollas o perturban las raíces cuando están regados desde arriba. Todavía es demasiado pronto para decir con seguridad, pero hasta ahora estamos muy contentos con él. Cada productor debe tratar Melayu, Diferentes mezclas para determinar cuál se adapta a su clima, prácticas de cultivo y de las preferencias personales lo mejor.
Humedad: En términos generales, Nepenthes como los niveles de humedad de al menos 60% o superior. Algunas especies de tierras altas son muy tolerantes de los niveles de humedad durante el día siempre más bajos a medida que asciende durante la noche. Por lo general, las especies de tierras bajas son mucho menos tolerantes a las fluctuaciones de humedad. Un síntoma de la humedad es insuficiente Falta de trampas. El uso de humidificadores o latas de terrario Creciendo Ayude a aumentar la humedad a un rango aceptable.

Lowongan KerjaLuz: Nepenthes crecimiento se encuentran en una amplia gama de exposiciones que van desde el suelo del bosque a la sombra del acantilado expuesto quede por lo tanto es imposible generalizar un nivel de iluminación adecuado para todas las especies. Idealmente, la investigación del hábitat que está su planta Naturalmente Grown y hacer lo mejor para replicar. Además, la planta también le dará pistas sobre la idoneidad de la luz es lo que aceptan. Falta de presentación de las trampas es una indicación de que hay niveles de luz o necesidad duración sean aumentados. Esto también puede ser causada por la humedad insuficiente. Latas ligeras El exceso causan amarillamiento de las hojas o manchas rojas y rayas se reflejen en ur teléfono también. Si bien esto no perjudica necesariamente la planta, latas sean antiestéticos. La reducción de la intensidad de luz se traducirá en nuevas hojas emergentes de un color más normal.
Agua: Nepenthes Nunca se debe permitir que se seque, pero no prosperarán si se mantiene demasiado húmedo. El uso de un sustrato adecuado hará que sea mucho más fácil de lograr este equilibrio. La calidad del agua es importante, pero muchas especies no parecen ser tan sensibles a lo menos, los bajos niveles de minera
Investasiles como otros tipos de plantas carnívoras. Lo mejor es dejar que el agua para lavar a través de las ollas en una base regular y no crecer las plantas que se sientan en una bandeja llena de agua.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Myristica fragrans Houtt, Myristica argentea War

Myristica fragrans Houtt, Myristica argentea Ware, and fattuaHoutt Myristica, nutmeg are the types that are considered important because bernilaie konomis, so that these types are commonly cultivated. Other Types of nutmeg less / no economic value so rarely sought, among other things: Lam malabarica Myristica, Myristica specioca Ware, Myristica sucedona lainnya.a 81 anAgen Casino Onlined so on. Myristica fragrans nutmeg farmers Houtt.Para most refer to it as the original nutmeg, type lists different types of common types grown in Indonesia. Evenly spread is due nutmeg produced in the form of seeds or mace, have high quality, so this is kind of palingbanyak requested this type of market dunia.Dari also known types nutmeg areas include: - Pala king, fulinya thick enough with small seeds. - Pala celebrate, fruit-stringing the chain, but this type is very rare.
Bui-Pala, seeds elliptic shape, derived from a mixture of trees. Thief-Pala, uneven skin seeds and fruit fulinya not close. Pala-Holland, also known as white as the color of nutmeg name fulinyaputih. The mace will change color to yellow after jemur.b. Nutmeg Myristica argentea Ware.Jenis often found in Irian Jaya, the tree height can reach 15 mdan grow at an altitude of 700 m above the local surface laut.Selain Irian Jaya, nutmeg type is also found in Ceram and some surrounding areas. Mace of this type is called mace illegal, because the quality is different and less refined than the aroma of nutmeg Myristica fragransHoutt types. Fulinya etheris oil content of only 6.5%. Pala initerutama types generated into BUTTER NUT MEG. This kind got nutmeg termasukyang market in perdagangan.c. Myristica fattua Houtt. Type this in the Moluccas nutmeg is called mace or nutmeg male orangutans on the island of Jawabuahnya often used as ingredients in jamu.d.

Agen Judi BolaMyristica specioga Ware.Banyak found on the island of Bacan, uneconomical, hence not much diusahakan.e. Myristica sucedona BL.Pala this type often called Halmahera nutmeg, mace belonging export. f. Myristica malabarica LAM.Pala this kind comes from Malabar, oval seeds, do not have a scent, and therefore not traded.
TERMS OF GROWTH High Places Nutmeg plants, can grow well at an altitude of 0-700 meters above sea level. Land To be able to grow well, requiring: - The top layer of top soil deep enough. - Enough available nutrients. - Good drainage. - The air in the soil is quite tersedia.Tanaman nutmeg will also grow well in soil that is structured sand to clay with high organic matter content . In poor soils, the plant can also grow well Pala when balanced with good fertilization and care. Climate a. Temperature deployment areas nutmeg plants have not the same temperature, which ranged between 18 º C -34 º C. The nutmeg plant will thrive in the tropics, with the optimum temperature for growth and production of ± 20 º C to 30 º Cb Rainfall nutmeg plants require hot tropical climate with high rainfall, with no real dry period. In areas that have a sharp slope and high rainfall, terraces should be made to maintain soil fertility. Good rainfall for plant growth nutmeg ± 2175 mm to 3550mm/tahun.c. AnginTanaman nutmeg sensitive to high winds, so is not appropriate cultivated in an open area without cover crops. The wind is blowing too hard, not only lead to impaired plant pollination, fruit and even the tops of the plants will fall berguguran.Untuk areas often harsh wind gusts, planting windbreak trees on the edge of the
Agen Bola Terpercaya garden is highly recommended. However, cover crops are planted too close, can inhibit plant growth nutmeg, due to competition for nutrients. Availability of Water

Monday, June 16, 2014

Dara Shellfish Aquaculture

Dara Shellfish AquacultureIt is a stretch of pond aquaculture Anadara clams or mussels also called virgin. Their area of ​​about 200 hectares wide. Its location in Losari, Cirebon, West Java. This virgin shells ponds managed by fish farmers group developed coastline.
Pulau TidungBlood clams (Anadara Granosa) is a kind of shellfish commonly eaten by the people of East Asia and Southeast Asia. This Arcidae tribesmen called blood because she clams produce hemoglobin in red liquid that it generates.
These shells inhabiting the Indo-Pacific region and spread from the east coast of Africa to Polynesia. This animal likes to bury itself into the sand or mud and live in the tidal zone. Adult size of 5 to 6 cm long and 4 to 5 cm wide. [1]
Blood shellfish cultivation is done and he has a good economic value. Although usually boiled or steamed, these shells can also be fried or used satai light and dry food. There also eat them raw.
Like shells in general, the blood clams are bivalves that live on kind of bottom waters and has a characteristic that is covered by two pieces of shell (valve) that can be opened and closed because there is an elastic hinge joints form a valve connecting the two.Mutira previously only obtained fro
Pulau Pramukam pearl oysters that live naturally in the ocean. Thanks to advances in technology today, can be cultured pearl, although most of the technology is still dominated or controlled by another nation. Center for Mariculture, Lampung always tries to catch up the pearl cultivation technology, as realized how much potential the pearl in our country. The success of cultivating pearls Mariculture Center is a new step that shows that the technology can be carried out by the Indonesian people. In our country many cultivated pearl oyster Pinctada maxima is the type (Goldlip Pearl Oyster). This species is commonly found in the waters of eastern Indonesia (Maluku, East Nusa Tenggara and West Nusa Tenggara).

The location sheltered from wind and big waves.
Fertile waters, rich in natural foods.
Brightness is high enough.
Enough available parent / seed pearl oyster.
Basic water coral sand and the water depth 15 ~ 25 m.
Salinity of 30 ppt and a temperature of ~ 34 25 ~ 28 0 C.

Wisata Pulau Pari3. SETUP CORE

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Processing, diyaarinta iyo beerista

Processing, diyaarinta iyo beerista
JOKIBET.COM Agen Casino Online Terpercaya     String wada dalool beerto lagu qiyaaso 50 cm x 50 cm x 40 cm
Dihnayd kala dhulka ka hooseeya, ka dibna la siiyaa digada
Dalka Bottom dib u dhigo, waxa ku xiga ciidda sare
Lime laguma faafin karo jab iyo Grafting
Geedo beeray godadka in la siiyaa leeyihiin
Dheereynta 6 m x 6 m
Shuruudaha Seed

Geedo Lemon waxaa sida caadiga ah lagu beeray, oo nooca faafinta daaqsinka ka qayib Grafting tip biqil. Abuur wanaagsan waa cudur-free, la mid ah si ay waalid (run nooca), bacrin ah, laamo 2-3 cm dhexroor, dusha siman ee asliga ah, fiiloyin asalka u ah dad badan oo, taproot dhexdhexaad ah iyo abuur shahaado taranta.
Technique Seeding SeedGenerative 1. Way

Seeds ka soo cadaadi qaaday midhaha hab in la jaray. Digirta qalalan meel in aan la soo bandhigo 2-3 maalmood ilaa xab ah uu lumo.
Meesha Xannaanada leeyahay ciid bacrin ah. Ciid warshadaha sida qoto dheer sida 30-4 - sirqoollada ka yihin cm iyo sameeyey lagu qiyaaso 1.15 si 1.20 m soo taagay waqooyi ilaa koonfur. Fogaanta baa'bin karta of 0.5-1 m. Ka hor inta beerto, ku dar digada 1 kg/m2.
Seeds beeray jeexdin oo la kala dheereynta ah 1-1.5 x 2 cm oo waraabin jirtay isla markiiba. Ka dib markii la beero, xanaanada waxa la siiyey saqafka ah. Geedo Dipindahtanam galay polybag 15 x 35 cm ilaa 20 cm ee height ka dib da'da 3-5 bilood. Koraaya dhexdhexaad ah ee polybag ah waa isku dar ah ee digada iyo arabikhi (2:1) ama meeshii digada,, buunshaha, ciid (1:1:1).
2. Way daaqsinka

Habka caadiga ah waa Grafting tip biqil iyo lifaaqa ah ee balastar isha. Waayo, hababka u baahan yihiin inay rootstock diyaariyey (onderstam / rootstock) xulay noocyada liinta iyadoo la eegayo
xooggan oo ballaadhkeeduna, waafajinta deegaanka sare, abaartu u adkaysata, adkaysi u / dulqaad si cudurada viral, xidid kallana iyo nematodes. Noocyo Rootstock caadi ahaan loo isticmaalo by kaasoo uu yahay citroen Japanese, liin Rough, Cleoparta, Troyer citrange Citrange iyo Carizzo.
Media Processing PlantDhirta lime koray in galida bariis Iyo dhaadhaca ciida / land. Haddii beeray buuraha a in la sameeyo Swale / Terrace. Land si ay haantu ditamani dhirta kale ama haraaga burburka dhirta. Dheereynta kala duwan yahay nooc kasta oo liinta waxaa lagu arki karaa in xogta soo socda:

Liin macaan iyo Siem: dheereynta of 5 x 5 m
Sweet: dheereynta of 7 x 7 m
Citron (Citroen): dheereynta of 6 x 7 m
Lime: dheereynta a of 4 x 4 m
Miro sabiib ah: kala dheereynta a of 8 x 8 m

    Dheereynta Large (10-12) x (10-12) m

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Important for Production Phase

Important for Production PhaseMurai female parent rock will spawn as many as 2 toTaruhan Bola Online 6 grains once production. The eggs will be incubated for approximately 14 days, after which time, the eggs will hatch. just in case, so that later we can know if the tela chicks hatch, and do not let lack of feed, we can begin to provide more feed mainly Kroto, worms, and crickets Eraman during the day to 10. just in case. we can mengetaui eggs have hatched by looking shells discarded by the parent. please note that the parent would throw the farthest shell with the radius of the nest, so we can know the eggs are hatched from the shell discarded by the parent.For removal of saplings can be done on the first day, but the risk we must prepare a warm and light to warm the pups because the age of 1 to 3 days chAgen Judi Bolaicks have feathers yet, so need extra penghangata, the advantage is that breeders would definitely faster production. with foster puppies early, so we could monitor the development of tillers in full.For removal of saplings can be done on the first day, but the risk we must prepare a warm and light to warm the pups because the age of 1 to 3 days chicks have feathers yet, so need extra penghangata, the advantage is that breeders would definitely faster production. with foster puppies early, so we could monitor the development of tillers in full.After a week piyik removed, usually breeding females will lay eggs soon return12 day-old chicks, started learning to fly in and out of the nest, while prone, conditioning your puppies and just in case by entering into a cage nest, so that when piyik learn to fly, will fall to the cage and do not get out too far, even falling,So also with installing the ring. Try to put the ring at the age of one week, this time with a foot saplings will fit large ring. Less than that, the foot is still too small to cause rin often loose and risk a broken leg because we often enter the ring back to the feet because the size is too big win. Installation of more than a week or ten days, the feet are too big, so if we force entered the ring, then the risk of a broken leg can.Age 18 days to 1 month of age are Agen Bola Indonesiamost at risk and is a critical period of piyikan, when ni piyik already begun active and learn to fly, piyik already out of the nest and perch ditangkringan start, but it also started to learn to eat, so this time we required to be extra caring. Give voer piyik half wet to learn to eat, but it is also interspersed with loose and also interfering with voer. Because if we are less of a concern at this time, piyik will get sick and die. Additionally it also equipped with an EF live feed container like Kroto, UK or UH and jangkring dengen small size for piyik learn to eat.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Land, may be selected former wetland plants or on dry land

Land, may be selected former wetland plants or on dry land / moor sufficient irrigation, how:- Sports ground with a hoe / plow / tractor, remove weeds / weed, gemburkan, let(Wind dried) between 15-30 days.
Joko warino- Sports ground again (the second time) while making beds-beds of 100 cm width, height 20-30 cm (length depends on the condition of the land), trench spacing between beds 30-40 cm, for intake and drainage channels.
- Add manure that has been cooked (so) at a dose of 10-20 tonnes / ha, stir until well blended with soil, Clean up your incorrect beds until the seedlings are ready for planting.
2. PlantingTuberose Planting can be done throughout the season, provided adequate soil water. But the right time should be adjusted, so that the time of harvest falls in the great days of the foregoing.- Make the planting hole with a distance of 20 x 20 cm- Plant the bulbs into 1 1 bulb planting hole is set upright position with the shoots facing upwards direction.- Provide basic form of urea fertilizer as 6 kw / ha in a way put in the hole on the left and right or between the rows of the array made planting hole.
- Cover the planting hole that has been filled bulbs with soil about ± 7.5 cm, in order to quickly soluble fertilizer with the soil water.- Flush with water beds to retain moisture.
3. MaintenanceMaintenance can be:Irrigation / watering: especially in the early phase of seedling growth (1-2 times daily) or depending on the state of soil and climate, and preferably in the morning and ev
Jasa SEO Terpercayaening, when the soil temperature is nottoo high;Stitching: for seeds that do not grow or decay, at least 5-15 days after planting, so that the growth of seedlings can be uniform embroidered with seed that has been grown in advance;

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Essential oils , also known as etheric oils ( Aetheric oil )

Essential oils , also known as etheric oils ( Aetheric oil ) , essential oils , oil fly , as well as aromatic oils , is a large group of vegetable oils in the form a viscous liquid at room temperature but easily evaporate so as to provide a distinctive scent . Essential oil is the basic ingredient of perfume or ointment ( for treatment ) naturally . In the trade , known as essential oils refined seed oils scented . ( Wikipedia Indonesia)Since time immemorial , basil juice is distilled for its essential oil is taken . John Henry basil oil classified as high volatile oil . That is , the aroma DAUNPOKER.NET AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYAof basil soon disappear after 24 hours is applied to the body . For comparison , the category of essential oils being , will disappear after 3 days aroma is applied , while the lower category of essential oils , aroma disappeared after a week .Basil essential oil can be used for aromatherapy massage as basil essential oil can relieve and refresh the body . However , pregnant women are prohibited from using it because it was feared could cause a miscarriage .In addition , basil oil efficacious overcome digestive disorders such as indigestion , vomiting , intestinal infections , stomach ulcers , as well as gas in the intestines . Also , disorders of the head ( such as ear pain , fever , sore nasal passages , migraine ) , muscle disorders ( convulsions or cramps ) , and neurological disorders ( anxiety , depression , hysteria , nervous weakness , insomnia ) .For men , there are also benefits basil . 1-8 cineol compounds in basil can overcome the problem of premature ejaculation . Fenkhona apigenin and its eugenol can facilitate erections. While arginine substances contained in basil can strengthen the vitality of the sperm and prevent infertility .As for women , basil including healthy foods that are beneficial . Anetol basil and boron -rich compounds that stimulate the hormone estrogen , whereas eugenolnya compounds can kill the fungus causes vaginal discharge . Stigmaasterol substances in basil stimulates the maturation of the egg ( ovulation ) , tannins , and their zinc reduce the secretion of vaginal fluid . Tryptophan substances could delay the menopause . Basil is not the usual vegetables , so do not underestimate basil .Essential oils are substances that pro Seasonbet77 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Sambut Piala Dunia 2014vide scent in plants . Essential oils have a volatile components in some plants with specific characteristics . Today, the essential oil has been used as a perfume , cosmetics , food additives and drugs ( Buchbauer , 1991) .