Saturday, February 15, 2014

Liver Function in Human - large liver function as neutralizing and filter toxins

Liver Function in Human - large liver function as neutralizing and filter toxins . Other liver function can you see the brief description of the article below .liver function
liver function
Liver or liver is The
Hosting Murah Berkualitas Largest gland in the body , located in the abdominal cavity of the right side , right under the diaphragm . Heart had a role in the system of spending Because of liver cells to function as a place overhaul of red blood cells and decipher hameglobin resulting dyestuff bile ( bilirubin ) . The dye is released into bile in the urine and feces . The liver also plays a role in the formation of urea from ammonia , the which is then excreted through the kidneys with urine .
The liver has several functions , among others :
a) Neutralizing toxins so it does not harm the body , then the toxins excreted through the urine .
b ) Changing the glucose into glycogen to Regulate blood sugar levels .
c ) As a means of issuing excretion of bile and urine color . Each day , the liver produces bile Reaches ½ liters .
d ) The synthesis of several substances . The liver produces arginase enzyme that converts arginine into ornifin and urea . Ornifin formed can increase of NH3 and CO2 are toxic .
e ) The liver produces bile the which is derived from the hemoglobin of red blood cells that have been old . Bile is stored in the gall bladder and a green liquid and taste bitter . Bile contains cholesterol , bile salts , mineral salts , and the pigment bilirubin and biliverdin . Bile serves to digest fat so Easily absorbed by the body , helps power the absorption of fat in the intestine , activates the enzyme lipase , and changing the substance into a water insoluble substance, the which is soluble in water .
f ) Be remodel the red blood cells that are old .
Hemoglobin in the blood is broken down into iron , globin , and heme . Globin iron and reused to produce new red blood cells . Meanwhile , overhauled heme to bilirubin and biliverdin blue green . The dye is oxidized bile in the gut urobilin into the which gives a yellowish color in the stool and urine .
Primary liver function in adults are :

Storing various forms of glucose , vitamin B12 , and iron
Provision of energy ( sugars ) and proteins
The release of hormones and insulin .
Formation and expenditure Fat and Cholesterol
Filters and discharge of toxic materials in the demolition process mealalui blood hemoglobin .
Change the ammonia into urea
Liver function tests should be performed when signs of liver dysfunction Began to Appear . The onset of signs and symptoms of abnormal liver function should be Discussed with your doctor , immediately . It helps to know the underlying condition . If these signs are ignored , the condition Becomes worse . This can lead to more serious health conditions or Complications that can not be treated like liver cirrhosis or liver cancer , the which may eventually lead to total liver failure .What is the liver parenchyma
The liver parenchyma is the functional component of the heart , composed of hepatocytes that filter the blood to remove toxins . Clearly this is different from the stroma , the connective tissue that supports the liver and create a framework for the hepatocytes to grow . In Patients with liver disorders, part of the liver parenchyma is damaged Kontes SEO and not functioning properly . Liver damage can lead to the production of abnormal proteins , efficient filtering toxins from the blood , and other problems .
Individual hepatocytes grown in around the hexagonal units called the lobule . Each lobule is organized around the central vein , the framework surrounding cells . At the points where the hexagons meet , arteries , veins , and bile ducts transport materials to and from the heart . Most of the blood supply of this organ is a vein , the which consists of blood that needs to be filtered before oxygen can and return to the circulatory system .
Damage to the lobe can result in excessive internal bleeding Because of the liver 's blood supply substantially . It can also Decrease the efficiency of the liver , making it difficult to process the blood to remove compounds that may be Harmful .

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